Understand and overcome resistance to change in your health and wellbeing.
Whether it is weightloss, fat loss, building strength, getting rid of bodily conditions, we all face resistance to change. It’s not that we don’t want to implement change. NO ONE IS FREE FROM RESISTANCE. And yes, it does require “readiness to change.”
You’d have received my email on a 5 step model to implement that change you and your body are longing for years or months.
We all have the intentions to eat right and workout and lead a healthy lifestyle but we all live with many different kinds of resistances that don’t allow ourselves to reach our health goal or potential.
Hear me out here and reflect on areas perhaps you might be resisting change and why. Then see how you can take small steps to make it happen. Consistency is key and if you need guidance around eating right and staying on track. Hit me up.
I’ve answered this amazing question from one of you, on my IGTV. It’s a must watch. Also, please share it with someone you think needs to hear it.
You know, when it comes to our food, nutrition, movement and well-being initially, we resist change. It is because change is uncomfortable, it makes us THINK that we need to work harder or more… when in reality that any time we have to do the “work” it makes me feel better. It helps us progress. It helps us grow.
I’d really love you to do something today. Bring out a diary and note down all the beliefs that you feel are making you resist change in your health and wellbeing today! GO back to my video and hear me out again, if you like, to see what resistance sounds like for you, perhaps. We face it in many areas of our life, which stops us from doing something that we know deep down in our heart that we REALLY REALLY NEED TO DO (nutrition and movement, daily is a big one).
How would you bring in the change or get ready to embrace the change for your health and wellbeing?
Here are 5 scientifically proven steps that you need to reflect on:
- Note down what you really want to change first. (just one area of your health). It’s just called the precontemplation stage, where you are kinda ready but not ready and only thinking about what to do or not to do.
- Now, narrow down further. I want you to write down, what is that one small step you can take today for the next few days, to actually start working on the change for your body. For example, it could be just taking these decisions: “I am cutting down refined sugar completely” or “I am not going to have processed foods at all for xyz days.”
- Now that you know what you need to do, prepare yourself because this is where the magic happens my friend. Remove or add everything in your life, kitchen or household, which will allow you to succeed.
- Just Do It. Action it. Take help if needed. And make it happen. Cause I know you can. Stick around. Be consistent at what you have chosen as it will make you feel amazing to see positive changes in your health, daily.
- Give yourself a good period of time, depending upon your goal. Write it down, 15 days, a month or two or a year. And sustain that habitual change for that long. See the magic happen then.
It can feel hard at first but trust me, you ARE READY to do this. And you will Make It Happen.
In case you need help to reach your health goals, please reach out to me. I’m always happy to help. And don’t forget to get some inspiration for yourself. Hop on to my profile and look out for tiny green hearts for amazing success stories and food inspo too, to get you in the groove for this.
I know you can take care of your health. And don’t forget to watch the IGTV and show some love.
In case you haven’t signed up yet, JOIN MY FREE CW TRIBE. I will share information that I just don’t share with anywhere else. And start becoming a healthier YOU.
In case you need help sorting your health, with the right kind of nutrition, and just the right kind of the accountability reach out through the form or email me at [email protected]. In case you need to check out the services I offer, read it here.
Stay connected with me on Instagram (look out for the green hearts for all the success stories of my lovely clients, served and helped) or facebook.

Here's MY version of french toast
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