How to make the perfect pancakes
I used to love having American pancakes with maple syrup. At that time, I didn’t know better or what it was doing to my body. The high sugar and the fast carbs were eating up my liver besides making me fat. I had developed insulin resistance. Waistline was increasing. I could have ended up with diabetes too. But I didn’t know how to eat right because it felt as though I had been doing the right thing. I consulted many, during the process. I’ve realized it is consistent efforts with the right food, for individual bodily needs, that does the work.
You mustn’t give up all the foods you loved or compromise on taste so keep experimenting with recipes. I found alternatives to make pancakes, with ingredients that suited my body. Oats suit me tremendously. So, I experiment with them a lot.
For the past 3 years I’ve been making OATS PANCAKES of so many kind:
VANILLA, SPINACH, BERRY, BANANA, MATCHA AND CHOCOLATE are some of my favorites, to name a few.
How do I make them?
For 1 pancake
Ingredients and method:
- I grind oats into a fine flour.
- 2-3 tablespoons of oats flour.
- Along with whichever natural favouring I’m looking at making (nothing artificial).
- I add very little water to make thick batter (in case of spinach and berries, I often blend my batter).
- I drizzle olive oil or sometimes almond oil on to my pan to cook my pancakes until slightly brown.
- You can add a refined sugar replacer of your choice to sweeten your pancake.
I don’t do protein powders, or mix flax or chia in my pancakes. They turn out amazing & fluffy just without them. I sometimes garnish a few nuts, as done here and some fruits.
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