Constantly thinking about food? Or feeling addicted to it? Read this.
Food addiction is a common theme today. However, it doesn’t mean it is normal.
More and more of us are falling prey to this, every single day. Almost every 1 out of 2 individuals suffer from one or another kind of addiction to food and the major ones include: sugar addiction, salt addiction and fried food addiction. None of these are free from consequences that it has on our internal biochemistry. Hear me out here and know more about what addictions look like and what small steps can be taken.
I’ve been super happy with so many of my amazing clients doing the awesome work that they’ve committed themselves to doing with me. I feel so proud of their journey and more so the amazing mindset that they’re in today. Any kind of change takes a bit of time and especially when it comes to our food and food habits (watch those green hearts as my story highlights on the profile)
And I know how hard it can feel. It can sometimes be a lonely and gruesome journey. The reason that I am talking about it here is because it links to what I am sharing with you on my IGTV: Food Addictions. I encourage you to hop on over and like it and leave a comment there as well please. Share it with those you know so that they can also benefit from the information given there.
Let’s start with the junk. A few things can help prepare for giving up junk foods and make the transition easier:
- Check for trigger foods. Write down a list of the foods that cause cravings and/or binges. These are the trigger foods to avoid completely. I had also done a post on hyperpalatable food on my instagram, do check it out.
- Shift to healthier fast food options. Make a list of places that serve healthier options that can satisfy your body and help you prevent any relapse.
- Push first and keep at it. Habits take time and that’s OK. That initial thrust is hard and you keep pushing yourself one day at a time to eat well for your body, to feed it food that you know intuitively is doing well to your system even if it is an initial push to do so.
- Retrain your brain to look at food differently. For instance, “diet” is not just about losing weight or not having tasty food, it can mean a few swaps here and there… It is also about choosing to eat healthy, feel good in your body and get rid of any bodily conditions or rather more importantly, think of health as a reserve for the body.
- Start today, even if it is small. Make changes to your pantry, to your fridge by adding more whole foods rather than relying on processed foods as they are more addictive.
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In case you need help sorting your health, with the right kind of nutrition, and just the right kind of the accountability reach out through the form or email. In case you need to check out the services I offer, read it here.
Stay connected with me on Instagram (look out for the green hearts for all the success stories of my lovely clients, served and helped) or facebook.
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