Vitamins and Minerals
Links between Osteoporosis, Bone Health and Your Nutrition.
Have you seen the post I put up on Bone Health and What Kind of food helps or interferes with our bone development (now or in the future)? Well, watch the video here. I am so keen to help you…
This can also make you store fat!
2020 definitely taught us the value of freedom. Freedom of choice – to move out, move freely, eat well. But most importantly, it taught us the value of our health and wellbeing. I was talking to a client of mine…
Do you really know enough about vitamin B12?
Today, I want to draw your attention to the little things. Rather this week, a little tiny mcg of B12 that one needs every day. It is so easy to miss out on whether we’re getting optimal nutrition and there…
Do you really need sunshine for vit D?
Let’s talk about Vitamin D today, and the scare we have regarding our skin degeneration, bone health, skin cancers and impact of UV rays on your body. Hear me out on my IGTV as I speak about it today. If…