What meds are actually good for you?
I’ve had countless clients (women especially) who have been put on metformin for PCOS (in the name of insulin resistance); or been put on thyroid medications even when the thyroid was optimal but it was recommended that it would change,…
This can also make you store fat!
2020 definitely taught us the value of freedom. Freedom of choice – to move out, move freely, eat well. But most importantly, it taught us the value of our health and wellbeing. I was talking to a client of mine…
Do you really know enough about vitamin B12?
Today, I want to draw your attention to the little things. Rather this week, a little tiny mcg of B12 that one needs every day. It is so easy to miss out on whether we’re getting optimal nutrition and there…
Can food alone give you all the micronutrients: vitamins and minerals?
There’s a lot of doubt regarding weight loss, children’s nutrition, digestive concerns and how to understand whether our body is absorbing nutrients. I’d like to share a word or two around micronutrients and they help digestion, endocrinology, optimal functioning of…
Is Vitamin B your friend for a healthier gut?
There is a thin dividing line between vitamin B consumption and overconsumption. When you do consume adequate amounts of vitamin B you have better skin, better digestive health, optimal muscle functioning, better release of toxins from the body, including excess…
Want better skin? Let’s talk about vitamin A
Regardless of our genders, we all desire good healthy skin and one thing that really really helps us achieve that beautiful skin is through Vitamin A. Whether it is cell repair, growth and development, better vision, better immune function, and…
Things that you need to know about vitamin and mineral supplementation.
Did you know that actually most vegetables, nuts seeds and grains actually when combined together and had during the day, spread out well. Can you complete your daily required intake of vitamins and minerals? Well that’s true. Micronutrients are small…