Health Tip
What is cholesterol and how does your “DIET” impact your body cholesterol?
I have a lot of clients who come with two major concerns, high blood sugar levels and cholesterol. And it is the easiest thing to reverse with SIMPLE AND MINDFUL CHANGES to our food intake. We rely so heavily on…
Understand and overcome resistance to change in your health and wellbeing.
Whether it is weightloss, fat loss, building strength, getting rid of bodily conditions, we all face resistance to change. It’s not that we don’t want to implement change. NO ONE IS FREE FROM RESISTANCE. And yes, it does require “readiness…
Should you consider fasting or intermittent fasting? What exactly is it?
Fasting and intermittent fasting, both can have very different roles to play. I like to eat my whole 3 large meals and 2-3 snacks in between because not it does it suit my body but keeps my weight in check,…
What are probiotics and prebiotics?
Have you been bombarded with information on consuming “fermented foods” and probiotics? Half the population cannot even digest probiotics because they cannot sustain prebiotics in their body. I explain the difference between the two in my video. And I have…
The two important P’s that we all need to be aware of.
MEAL PLANNING AND MEAL PREPARATION, are two keys to healthy eating. Suddenly, our lives are getting busier (or bombarded with too much to do) and we try to make it even more overwhelming for different needs and reasons of our…
Some foods can be better or healthier than others!
In my last post we established that numbers alone can’t help you lose weight, i.e. calories and nutrition have different roles to play. We need to eat the REAL DEAL. It is important to look at the bigger picture rather…
Your Support and Wellness Guide During Coronavirus Pandemic
I receive a lot of questions about health, nutrition, mindset, wellbeing, workouts and more! So, when Anna, asked me this question, while we are in this Pandemic, I thought I must share. I sent out a personal response to Anna,…
Importance of Cultural Foods in Our Diet
Did you know? Culture plays such an important role in a diet (food, in general, is what I mean here). Besides having unique body mechanisms, we thrive on food habits developed over the years. Of course, some of these habits…
Why do you need a health goal? And what does that even mean?
What are H E A L T H G O A L S? What does it even mean?? No matter at what stage we’re at, we need a goal. Looks like everyone today is creating something HEALTHY or “leading a…
Body Image? Are we really perceiving ourselves differently?
OK! So let’s talk about body image. Who here wants a perfect body, raise your hand?? Now, who has compared his/herself to someone on Instagram and said, Oooh! I want that body. Or why haven’t I gotten that body yet?…