Health Tip
Things that you need to know about vitamin and mineral supplementation.
Did you know that actually most vegetables, nuts seeds and grains actually when combined together and had during the day, spread out well. Can you complete your daily required intake of vitamins and minerals? Well that’s true. Micronutrients are small…
How to stick to a diet and not cave in.
Do you find yourself starting a diet in the morning and caving in by night? We all cave in from time to time, it’s our way to deal with our emotions, feelings and old patterns. However, we aren’t THAT hardwired…
Meat and it’s method of cooking can impact you!
Nutritionally speaking, meat can provide essential aminos and is a complete source of protein. However, excess of it can be carcinogenic. We can minimize the carcinogens in meat, through the method of cooking. ?? I often get questions around meat…
Should you go vegan or stay a consumer of animal based sources of food?
How’s your food and health going THIS YEAR? It’s been quite THE YEAR so far, hasn’t it? While I get so many amazing messages from people that they are utilizing this time to maximize their health, and are eating right…
What’s the most important macronutrient for our body?
When I was asked: give me one piece of nutritional advice that’s key to good health and sustenance. I didn’t even think twice and said: FIBRE. We all need it for better roughage, better mood, balanced hormones (including sugar hormones),…
Cutting back on alcohol.
Today I have a bit more information on what alcohol can do to alter your biochemistry. All this awesome stuff on my post today! Your body needs love and care and alcohol takes away exactly that. While initially it can…
How much alcohol is too much?
It’s Wednesday and I wanted to bring your attention to something, which would be your well-being. Check-in with yourself, if you are alcohol dependent? Do you need alcohol to relax or have fun? Or unwind? Often saying: It’s wine o’…
Can you Manage Anxiety or Panic Attacks with Diet?
Yes! You totally can. There is tonnes of scientifically conclusive data around this area of research (being a doctoral researcher myself, I wouldn’t choose anything else), if I were to even draw out information from every second client I’ve helped…
What’s portion distortion and why do you need to check food portions?
Portion distortion or portion creep is the misperception of the size of the food we need to consume daily or per meal. When we keep eating extra food portions, not only do we put stress on our internal organs to…
High Cholesterol? Here’s food that helps
I want to be able to help as many of you as I can. I am so glad so many of my clients today have gotten away with the necessary knowledge, understanding and action plan that they need to change…