New Year New You? Hang on Buddy Doesn’t it Happen Each Year?
13 January 2025Hello Beautiful fellas! It’s been a while since I came back to this page. Life always is busy and I have been in particular finishing my doctorate past few years, which is DONE! Then got to studying a 4 year degree in naturopathy (natural medicine; to add to my previous qualifications and to serve you better, holistically). I often say, everyday is a new opportunity to Carpe Diem (Literally, seize the day). We should totally feel grateful to be on this planet and serving our own purpose. So I say, life offers countless opportunities, and each new day is a…
Let’s take a small step daily!
It makes me so happy for my beautiful folks to be changing their habits, mindset and body each and everyday. I have a small little tip for you today , that I share with all my clients. In case…
Let’s talk about something other than nutrition!
I am here to mention, how can you support your friends and families who might be on their “journey to health” at this time. Health and wellbeing comes in all different shapes and forms. To some of us, it might…
Let’s talk about bread!
Why do people despise bread or hate it so much? It is made of refined carbohydrates (or plain flour, wheat flour, whatever we choose to call it). Those really spike up the sugar levels and drop it down like…
What meds are actually good for you?
I’ve had countless clients (women especially) who have been put on metformin for PCOS (in the name of insulin resistance); or been put on thyroid medications even when the thyroid was optimal but it was recommended that it would change,…
What inspires you to eat well and workout?
Some days when I’m just not in the mood, I force myself to either walk around or eat something that I know is good for my mind and body. It just helps build that discipline and resilience to spring back.…
How unhealthy is being “fat”?
It has been a busy busy past few weeks for me, but today, I am coming to your inboxes talking about a bit of “Health Stigma” that we all may have dealt with; in some form or another. Either we…
What Nutrients Do You Need to Aid Water Retention in the Body
I have been getting a lot of Qs and concerns regarding water retention in the body. Often many of my clients come to get rid of these conditions in the body. Are you asking, how is food and nutrition linked…
Links between Osteoporosis, Bone Health and Your Nutrition.
Have you seen the post I put up on Bone Health and What Kind of food helps or interferes with our bone development (now or in the future)? Well, watch the video here. I am so keen to help you…
6 Things To Not Eat/Drink Post Workout
I hope you had the chance to look at my recent posts I’ve put up. If not, you can find them all here. Perhaps gain a bit of inspiration as well, some amazing recipes to boot and soooo much inspiring…
What is a more sustainable diet as per your culture and tradition?
Sustainability isn’t what our mind convinces us is a good practice. Sustainability is – what is good for our biochemistry, in today’s environment as we live. – choosing items and ingredients that serve the body. – allowing the body to…